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This vast library of images began in 2008 with a donation of 10,000 slides after the death of Dr. Ned Paynter, a professor of history at San Diego State University. Those photographs were taken between 1975 and 2006. The subjects include not only well-known architects and their works, but also cities, towns, and countries throughout the world. Dr. Paynter’s focus was the history and architecture that make places unique.
Since that significant start of our online image library, Friends of San Diego Architecture has received slide collections from architectural historian Diane Kane, the NewSchool of Architecture & Design, artist Christa Vragel, and architect Lance Hosey (now deceased).
The Image Library is divided into Collections for ease of use. The Collections are sorted into Galleries containing architectural, historical, geographical, and cultural images worldwide available for educational use, the publishing world, and the public — anyone interested in “all things architectural.”
The images are free to copy in low resolution or available in high resolution at a nominal cost. Prints can also be ordered online.
Material is added on a regular basis, so check back often to view new galleries.
Click on About to learn more about Ned Paynter and this collection of images.
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